Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction


Bromsgrove 2007, the Eleventh Annual Money Reform Conference, will be held at our usual venue, the lovely country house Barnes Close, outside Bromsgrove, near Birmingham, England,
from late Friday afternoon 5th October to mid-day Sunday 7th October 2007.

Last year, more than 40% of attendees were "new faces" who had never been before. We want to break that record and get as many new people together as possible.

If you haven't been before, please do take this opportunity to meet with fellow Money Reformers in very convivial surroundings. Even if you don't call yourself a "Money Reformer", you're still very welcome to come and find out about this important cause. You're guaranteed a great weekend among a very friendly and fascinating group of people!

There will be around 15 speakers, including Stephen Zarlenga, Director of the American Monetary Institute from Chicago, and Connie Fogal, leader of the Canadian Action Party, all the way from Vancouver.
Regular attendee Bill Krehm, Director of the Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform, based in Toronto, will be speaking, as will best-selling author Ellen Brown from Los Angeles.

Other speakers include Canon Peter Challen, and Anne Belsey, the Leader of the Money Reform Party, and academic Conall Boyle.

This is also a chance to meet "the Grandfather of British Money Reform", Convenor James Gibb Stuart -- who will be fresh from speaking in Chicago at the 3rd Annual American Monetary Institute Conference.

Attendees can stay with full room and board for the duration for £80, or only attend on the days or evenings for a lesser fee. If you want to attend then please contact us for a booking form, a.s.a.p. Places are filling up fast -- and we only have room for so many! (Please note, it is not possible to accommodate people who arrive without prior notification.)

Even if you can't make it, please feel free to forward this message to people you think may be interested, and please ask them to contact us.

Here's a report of the 2006, Tenth Conference

And here's our Venue and a Map

We look forward to hearing from you!

Alistair McConnachie Organiser, Bromsgrove 2007. 268 Bath Street c/o Stuart Titles Glasgow, Scotland United Kingdom G2 4JR Tel: (UK) 0141 332 2214 Fax: (UK) 0141 353 6900


Eurosceptic groups unite to back plans for pro-referendum rally

22 August 2007

Details of the planned referendum rallies per attachment. Do you plan to attend?
Would you please circulate to as many people as possible?

George West
Vice-Chairman CIB

.If you have not already joined and wish to support CIB and or to sign our Petition to Parliament
"I want the UK to leave the EU" please see


Joint Presidents: Sir Richard Body, Lord Stoddart of Swindon
Vice-Presidents: Lord Beaumont of Whitley, Lord Pearson of Rannoch, Leolin Price CBE QC, Nigel Spearing, Sir Teddy Taylor
Chairman: Dr Bob Spink MP
Media contact:
Andrew Smith, 07805 143040


The cross-party Campaign for an Independent Britain (CIB) is spearheading plans for a series of rallies and events across the UK for a referendum on the European Union’s so-called ‘Reform Treaty’.

CIB Chairman Dr Bob Spink MP (Castle Point) said today (Aug 22) that the Pro-Referendum Rally in London on Saturday October 27 would be the launch pad for a nationwide campaign to bring pressure to bear on the Government to hold a referendum.

At the rally, public figures from across the political spectrum – including prominent Labour and Conservative MPs, business leaders and trade unionists – will unite to call for the British people to be given the final say on ratification of the EU Treaty.
The Pro-Referendum Rally is the brainchild of Surrey-based management consultant Dr Jonathan Wilson, and is backed by a broad coalition of Eurosceptic groups, including the Bruges Group, the Democracy Movement, the Freedom Association and the UK Independence Party.
According to recent opinion polls, an unprecedented 85% of the public have said they want the right to vote on the EU ‘Reform Treaty’, which they correctly see as a revival of the rejected EU Constitution. The Labour Party promised a referendum on the Constitution but has since reneged on that pledge, claiming that the latest Treaty is different from the original Constitution and that the referendum commitment is no longer binding.
However, lawyers and politicians from across Europe , including the principal supporters of the Treaty, have all acknowledged that it is fundamentally the same document. Even the former French president, Valery Giscard d’Estaing, the architect of the draft EU Constitution, has said that the changes are “cosmetic” and “the substance [of the Constitution] has been retained” in the new Treaty.
Highlighting the fact that the two documents are virtually identical, Dr Spink accused the Prime Minister of a “shameful betrayal” of the Labour manifesto pledge, during a debate in the House of Commons on the last day before the summer recess. Since then, calls for a referendum have come from both sides of the House of Commons. Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague has called the Treaty “the EU Constitution under another name” and said the Conservatives would campaign “vigorously” for a referendum. Labour MP Gisela Stuart said that Tony Blair had reneged on the Labour Party’s pledge but “there is still time for Gordon Brown to put this right” by holding a national referendum on the Treaty.
Announcing plans for the Pro-Referendum Rally, Dr Spink said today: “This campaign is the nation’s opportunity to give a show of force for a referendum – and to remind the Prime Minister of public anger about Brussels ’ latest power grab. The London rally is merely the opening shot of our campaign, which will include events and actions across the country.

“With such strong pressure building, the Prime Minister cannot continue to disregard the wishes of the vast majority of the British people. We simply want to be given the opportunity to have our say on the Treaty in a free and fair vote. This is Gordon Brown’s chance to show that he is serious when he talks about strengthening British democracy and restoring trust in politics.”

For further details on CIB and the rally for a referendum, please visit


If you would like to read the full colour version of this newsletter then simply follow this link:

Dear Pro Referendum Rally Supporter

We are gaining momentum by the day as this newsletter will testify!! However time is short and the task is immense - it is only by working hard together do we stand any chance of regaining our vote on the latest EU Treaty/Constitution. The constitutional changes in the Reform Treaty/Constitution are as profound in relation to our right to rule ourselves as any event in our history. It is an affront to have these fundamental changes to our right to rule ourselves taken from us without our consent. This is not like voting for the annual budget (which we expect our MPs to do without reference back to us) or for a new local hospital (which we expect our local councilors to do without reference back to us). This EU Treaty/Constitution is about who will propose and make our laws, its is about whether a new Federal European State (as defined with its own legal persona) can make decisions in our name, in essence it is about who will rule over us. And this is being done without our consent - the latest EU Treaty/Constitution is a Federal European power grab of our individual sovereignty of breath taking proportions. Indeed, it is so audacious that for many of our fellow countrymen they simply cannot conceive of it.

At its most basic level the Pro Referendum Rally is not about whether the British still wish to rule themselves. In the first instance this is an issue of our fellow countrymen being told the truth of what is happening to their most fundamental and historic rights. Our task is to change a general desire by 85% of our fellow countrymen for a vote on the latest EU Treaty/Constitution into a non-negotiable demand for a vote.

I would like to cover the following topics in this newsletter:
1. The launch of the new Pro Referendum Rally website
2. Your steering committee
3. Local campaigning
4. The media If you would like to read this newsletter from the website please follow this link:

We think that the new website is a HUGE improvement. If you have not visited our new Pro Referendum Rally website please follow this link: Then send an email to all your relevant contacts encouraging them to visit the website too! The upgrade to the website was made possible by the generous donation of one of our supporters and the website was designed and published by Alissa against a demanding delivery date ( We would appreciate your feedback on the website (

What has been the effect of the upgraded website?
Well to start with the number of visitors was running at 30,000 per month on the old website, this has now more than doubled to 80,000 in just 10 days!! Of course this is not all attributable to the new website but also to the excellent work being carried out by the local teams across the UK. In addition the number of organisations willing to link with the new website has accelerated. In the very near future we will be opening a shop on the website which will facilitate donations, the purchase of t-shirts, window stickers, posters, leaflets etc. The design of these items will be consistent with the look and feel of the website. The surpluses on the sale of these items will be applied to the national advertising campaign (more of this later). We will be opening discussion forums on the website. For example each local team (e.g. Bournemouth, Northants, Birmingham, Edinburgh, etc) will have their exclusive and private place to efficiently communicate with each other on local activities. There will also be public forums on the general planning of the rally.

Dr Bob Spink (MP), the Pro Referendum Rally chairman, has been working tirelessly to garner cross party support in both Houses of Parliament. He has been in touch with major donors, pressure groups, think tanks and other organisations that recognise the need for a referendum to support the rally. We are optimistic that this work will result in the pooling of effort and resources for this overarching cause.

Face to face meetings have been held with the London Metropolitan Police and the Royal Parks Agency who have been most cooperative in fleshing out the detailed items for the action plan. The next meeting of the Steering Committee is this Tuesday at Westminster. Detailed Rally plans, new Committee appointments to take responsibility for specific actions, fundraising, and the communications strategy are some of the items on the agenda.

Reports continue to come in from the local teams which have formed across the country. Leaflets are being delivered house to house, public meetings are being organized, local rallies planned, stalls set up, busses booked for the rally, local walks promoting the rally undertaken, motions proposed in support of a referendum at local councils, MPs approached, etc In particular I would like to highlight the need to reach out to the youth of Britain. Contrary to some views the majority of our youth are largely sceptical of the new EU Treaty/Constitution.

At a local and national level we need to mobilise the youth of Britain to take up the fight for their vote by joining the rally. An example of one youth orientated organisation which is campaigning hard for the rally is If you are in contact with British youth please send them this newsletter and encourage them to sign up for the rally.

Will the historic rights that we have enjoyed be passed onto them? You can help make sure that they help themselves to vote on it. We have a web page showing the position of MPs and Prospective Parliamentary Candidates with regard to a referendum.
Please approach your MP and PPCs and find out their position and let us know so that we can update this page on the website. In similar fashion many supporters have tabled local council motions in favour of a referendum. Please let us know if this has been done at your local council. We would like to update the local council page on the website. I will be sending out updated lists of local supporters soon as there has been a sizeable increase in registered support since the last local lists were distributed.

One key success factor for the Rally is to gain editorial coverage from newspapers, TV and Radio stations. We are currently working hard to achieve this. In addition we are developing a budget for a rolling communications strategy in the major media channels. Once these plans have been agreed we will let you know the scope of these plans and the amount of money we need to raise in order to implement these plans.
This money will need to be raised from supporters and major donors. If you have any contact with local media channels please alert them to the rally and we would be delighted to provide them with press releases and interviews.

With my very best regards Dr Jonathan Wilson (Pro Referendum Rally Coordinator)

UK's Prime-Minister spoke of the "New World Order
News Commentary – February 3, 2007

Remember this article about the UK's then "Prime Minister - in waiting"?
Worth having another read and reminding yourself of just who is now 'top dog' in the UK government.

UK “Prime-Minister-in-Waiting” sets forth vision for New World Order
Catherine Macloed– The Herald January 18, 2007

Gordon Brown spelt out his vision for a world order underpinned by British values, to meet the economic and security challenges of globalisation, in India yesterday. Revealing the international priorities of a Brown premiership likely to begin this summer, the Chancellor argued that global institutions must be inclusive and open to represent the emerging world order.

Without sounding like a British bulldog, he nevertheless beat the drum for Britain, hailing British values as the building blocks for the new institutions. “I see myself as representing Britain and doing my best for Britain, talking about what is going to bring Britain prosperity in years to come. Everything is a challenge because there are new opportunities we can build for our country.
“We can help to build things and shape this new world order in a way that is good for Britain and British values,” he said.

Earlier, when he and Alistair Darling, the Trade and industry secretary, visited companies which have invested in Britain and British companies, Mr Brown trumpeted the strength of the British-Indian partnership. ‘Without sounding like a bulldog, he nevertheless beat the drum for Britain’

Speaking to the Confederation of Indian Industry in Bangalore on his first visit to the sub-continent, he challenged institutions to reform to meet the needs of this century. He pointed out that the institutions had dealt with the demands of the world during the Cold War, but now needed to change to meet the demands of the modern world. He said: “I believe that it is only now, as we see the impact of globalisation, that we can also imagine the full shape of the emerging new world order - a new world economic, political and social order, driven forward not just by considerations of the balance of military strength and ordinary political power, but by the seismic shift in social and economic power brought forward by globalisation.” (Empahsis added.)
Making no secret of his wish to let India join the United Nations Security Council, he said: “My theme today is how co-operating together and with a plan to reform our international institutions we can ensure that globalisation works to ensure proserity and opportunity for not just some of the people, but all of the people.”

His agenda is ambitious - he urged reform of the United Nations, the G8, Nato, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the European Union, which he said must move from looking inward to outward-looking internationalists in a global Europe. Acknowledging India’s role as the third biggest UN peacekeeping force, he urged the UN to modernise to become an effective peacemaker in the modern world.

Aware that India was only slowly opening doors to foreign investors, he made clear he hoped that Britain and India would continue to co-operate to their mutual benefit. “I am sure that India and Britain together - the world’s largest democracy and one of the world’s oldest democracies, with our shared history and culture, and common values of understanding and tolerance - can, working in unison, play a critical role as partners in addressing the great challenges of our times.”


by Betty Luks

New British PM Gordon Brown has made a big effort to tell British Zionists how much he loves Israel. Zionists have been appointed to key positions. In a speech to the Labor Friends of Israel annual fund raising dinner in April 2007, Brown described how his father, a Presbyterian minister and a life-long supporter of Israel, took him to Israel twice a year for most of his adult life. His father was Chairman of the Church of Scotland's Israel Committee.

But we may wonder: is that enough?
Is there anything else Mr. Brown can do to show his love? Were two trips a year to Israel enough? Wouldn't ten have been better? Better yet, for the British people, he could have lived in the land of his love, permanently.

And then maybe, just maybe, there would arise a British PM who loved his own country, his own kith and kin, and sought to do the best for them.

Cabinet Minister Ed Balls toadying to the shadowy Bilderbergers

Cabinet Minister Ed Balls seems to have had quite a time whilst rubbing shoulders with other polititicians and businessmen at the Bilderberger meeting in Canada recently. The Sunday Telegraph (London) 12/8/07, reported that the Cabinet Minister managed to spend thousands of taxppayers pounds whilst attending a private meeting of one of the world's most powerful and secretive organisations - The Bilderbergers.

The fellow was rubbing shoulders with such people as Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller. What is the fellow doing in Canada that he can't do for his own people back in Britian?

The cost of the trip in air fares, hotel bills and expenses is estimated at up to £5,000. How does the weary taxpayer feel about this jet-setting Labour politician soaking up their hard-earned brass this way?

For those readers who would like to know more about this shadowy group type in the word Bilderberger and search through the League's archives for further information.